Vers la gestion des connaissances et l'apprentissage sectoriel au Burkina Faso : une étude pour le secteur de l'eau et l'assainissement


  • Ewen Le Borgne


knowledge sharing, international development, portals, system learning, interviews, water, sanitation, sectoral learning, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, Burkina Faso, capacity development, knowledge management, Netherlands


How to stimulate sector learning? Any approach addressing ?sector learning? processes is inherently complex and can benefit from complementary knowledge management initiatives. A recent study, hereby unveiled, endeavoured to explore current information and knowledge management practices of various actors in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector in Burkina Faso as a preliminary step in unpacking sector learning. The study focuses on information needs and on related practices to identify these needs, collect, share, apply and evaluate information. The actors interviewed for the sake of the study also reflect on the main trends they observe around the priorities that might improve knowledge sharing. The portrait sketched by the interviewees is rather bleak and emphasises the lack of understanding, means and competences around knowledge management, but it also highlights some possible coordination improvements and a few promising tracks that might help individuals and organisations in the sector. The study report and this article have provided the basis for a validation workshop that took place in October 2011 and helped identify some ways forward for the resource centre network in Burkina Faso and for the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre in the country.


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