Introduction pionnière du e-learning à l?université et son rôle dans l?élaboration de nouvelles compétences technologiques : le cas de l?EBAD


  • Djibril Diakhaté


e-learning, professionnel de l'information documentaire, compétences technologiques, Ecole de Bibliothécaires Archivistes et Documentalistes, Afrique


EBAD, School Librarians and Archivists Documentalistes University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar learned very quickly anticipate the opportunity offered by ICT in Africa by offering as early as the 2000s degrees in distance education (FADIS ). Thanks to a successful domestication of ICT in different levels of training in Face, graduates are adequately equipped in terms of technological skills, if necessary, continue their education online. Beyond these skills, other skills are developed in personally as their distance learning. In this article we question the real impact of ICT in updating the skills of information professionals from the distance learning EBAD. We assume the hypothesis that learners of distance education EBAD, because of their proximity to their virtual environment, develop strategies more easily adopt ICTs for better performance in their profession. We will try to provide some answers from a comparative analysis of the degree profiles from the two types of training.





